Updates of the Chair
The clubs of Manresa begin the debate on the values of sports practice
Representatives from various sports clubs in Manresa met today, March 11th, at UManresa to discuss the values of sports and to agree on which ones should guide their activities to fully leverage their educational, socializing, and...
The Chair’s ‘The Game’ energizes a meeting of alumni from the UniversiMés program
The gamified outreach activity of the Chair of Value-Based Leadership, 'El Partit,' is part of the program for the meeting of students and alumni of UManresa's UniversiMés program for people with intellectual disabilities. It will be held on May...
A UManresa expert degree will train managers in value-based leadership
UManresa launches a university expert degree in Value-Based Leadership in health and social organizations. Twenty-five people with team management responsibilities in various fields form the pioneering group of this first edition of the course...
The LidVA Chair trains ICT Social Health managers in leadership and values
UManresa launches a university expert degree in Value-Based Leadership in health and social organizations. Twenty-five people with team management responsibilities in various fields form the pioneering group of this first edition of the course...
Three UVic-UCC Chairs discuss the care of Mental Health Professionals
The Chairs of Value-Based Leadership and Simulation and Patient Safety (located at UManresa) and the Chair of Mental Health (located at Althaia) are jointly organizing a conference on the care and well-being of mental health care professionals,...
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