
The game

Show game on leadership and values

The Game is a show game designed as a motivational and inspirational dynamic for work teams in companies and organizations.

It is based on the conceptual model developed by the Chair of Leadership in Values at the Manresa campus of the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia. It is much more than a game; it is a proposal to bring academic reflection on leadership and values closer to the people who, in their daily lives, shape and give content to companies, institutions, and organizations.

Original idea:
Ivan Tàpia (Cocolisto) and
Carlota Riera (UManresa – FUB)

Direction: David Pintó


Do you want to bring this experience to your company or organization?

You will find more information and can hire it at:
T. 635 968 276

A very unique game is about to begin. We are all invited because we are all leaders and we can all influence our environment. But, what are the skills of a good leader? How can we lead in our environment and, above all, make it a better place?