The clubs of Manresa begin the debate on the values of sports practice

The clubs of Manresa begin the debate on the values of sports practice

Representatives from various sports clubs in Manresa met today, March 11th, at UManresa to discuss the values of sports and to agree on which ones should guide their activities to fully leverage their educational, socializing, and belonging-generating potential. This was done within the framework of a two-and-a-half-hour workshop organized by the Chair of Values-Based Leadership and supported by the Manresa City Council. Anjo Valentí, the City’s Sports Councilor, welcomed the participants. The experience will be repeated on March 20th. The work carried out in these workshops will serve as the basis for drafting a document that will outline various commitments regarding values and their implementation in Manresa’s sports network.

The Chair’s ‘The Game’ energizes a meeting of alumni from the UniversiMés program

The Chair’s ‘The Game’ energizes a meeting of alumni from the UniversiMés program

The gamified outreach activity of the Chair of Value-Based Leadership, ‘El Partit,’ is part of the program for the meeting of students and alumni of UManresa’s UniversiMés program for people with intellectual disabilities. It will be held on May 16, 2024, at the university’s facilities in the FUB2 building. Around one hundred people will play and actively participate in the challenges proposed by the event, allowing them to reflect on different aspects of leadership and the role of values.

A UManresa expert degree will train managers in value-based leadership

A UManresa expert degree will train managers in value-based leadership

UManresa launches a university expert degree in Value-Based Leadership in health and social organizations. Twenty-five people with team management responsibilities in various fields form the pioneering group of this first edition of the course designed by the Chair of Value-Based Leadership. It is delivered in a blended format, with both classroom and synchronous online sessions. The initial session, held on January 15, 2025, was led by Valentí Martínez and Òscar Dalmau, the academic director and lecturer of the Chair, respectively.

The course follows the Chair’s own theoretical model, based on the experiences of Pep Guardiola and Manel Estiarte, which organizes values in an imaginary playing field, facilitating their understanding and application. The program emphasizes values such as exemplarity, honesty, discipline, commitment, generosity, boldness, innovation, excellence, and gratitude, which are essential for the development of ethical and effective leadership. Using a 4-3-3 model, inspired by a football lineup, the Chair’s model allows for reflection on leadership from four dimensions (person, team, organization, and environment).

The LidVA Chair trains ICT Social Health managers in leadership and values

The LidVA Chair trains ICT Social Health managers in leadership and values

UManresa launches a university expert degree in Value-Based Leadership in health and social organizations. Twenty-five people with team management responsibilities in various fields form the pioneering group of this first edition of the course designed by the Chair of Value-Based Leadership. It is delivered in a blended format, with both classroom and synchronous online sessions. The initial session, held on January 15, 2025, was led by Valentí Martínez and Òscar Dalmau, the academic director and lecturer of the Chair, respectively.

The course follows the Chair’s own theoretical model, based on the experiences of Pep Guardiola and Manel Estiarte, which organizes values in an imaginary playing field, facilitating their understanding and application. The program emphasizes values such as exemplarity, honesty, discipline, commitment, generosity, boldness, innovation, excellence, and gratitude, which are essential for the development of ethical and effective leadership. Using a 4-3-3 model, inspired by a football lineup, the Chair’s model allows for reflection on leadership from four dimensions (person, team, organization, and environment).

Three UVic-UCC Chairs discuss the care of Mental Health Professionals

Three UVic-UCC Chairs discuss the care of Mental Health Professionals

The Chairs of Value-Based Leadership and Simulation and Patient Safety (located at UManresa) and the Chair of Mental Health (located at Althaia) are jointly organizing a conference on the care and well-being of mental health care professionals, throughout the morning of January 17, 2025. About seventy people, mostly health professionals, will participate, highlighting the importance of co-responsible and shared leadership to create comfortable work environments that allow the patient to be at the center. This is the first joint activity of the three UVic – UCC chairs based in Manresa.