
Conceptual framework

A 4-3-3 Alignment of Values
in Service of Ethical Leadership

The Chair of Values-Based Leadership was created to generate, disseminate, and transfer knowledge about value-based leadership and promote professional environments of ethical practice in relation to people, the economy, and the environment. Based on this idea, it has developed a theoretical framework that refers to the life trajectories of its directors: Pep Guardiola and Manel Estiarte, and the values of the University Foundation of Bages, the sponsoring institution.

Values such as exemplarity, honesty, discipline, commitment, generosity, audacity, innovation, excellence, and gratitude are organized in this model on an imaginary playing field in the form of a football alignment. Each one contains a seed of ethical leadership that translates into behaviors, attitudes, and experiences that allow them to be brought from abstraction to concreteness.

The 4-3-3 alignment is completed with a 1, the goalkeeper-player, and another 1, the twelfth player, the audience. Read from horizontal lines, this alignment leads us to a model with four dimensions that allows reflection in an organizational or personal key. Thus, from the organizational point of view, leadership is structured from the self to the environment, passing through the team and the organization.

On the other hand, from a personal perspective, it invites us to think about what one feels, what one says, thinks or does, the relationships one establishes with others, and finally, to question why one does what one does. The arrangement of values on the field also fosters the identification of different intelligences linked to leadership: intrapersonal, emotional, interpersonal, and spiritual/existential.

If you dream it, make it real.