In conversation with people from different fields, Xavier López constructs, in “Lideratges Valents,” a broad reflection on what lead means. He shares with the reader a perspective that, despite being external to the educational world, provides valuable learnings and conclusions for anyone dedicated to education.

Reading the book is highly thought-provoking and makes it evident, through the example of the interviewed individuals, how one’s own decisions influence the environment, just as the decisions (and actions and attitudes) of educators have a significant impact on children and youth. An impact that can have deep significance in their lives.

Antoni Llobet Mercadé, general director of Fundació Universitària del Bages

LÓPEZ, Xavier: Lideratges Valents
(prologue by Jordi Cuixart)

Editorial: COLUMNA EDICIONS, 2023
ISBN: 978-84-664-3085-2